Thursday, July 30, 2009

Neck Pain, Back Spasms, Migraines... Oh My!


Today hasn't been an easy one. Lots of physical pain that started last night with a back spasm that lead to a day of migraine headaches. Still managed to get some stuff done, but it's been tough.

Had a great conversation with my cousin, Steph. A kindred spirit. We are cut from the same cloth, for sure! The oddballs of the family. I think we see things a bit differently than most. But I think that we validate each other. Priceless!

She inspires me more than she'll ever know. She sees what she wants and then goes for it. It certainly seems that she's not the type to get "lost" in her head, OVERthinking everything so that she becomes paralyzed. This gal is a mover and a shaker. She's going to change the world in ways that will blow her mind. She already does by just being the kind spirit that she is. I feel blessed to know her.

Tomorrow promises to be a bit easier... I can feel the pressure in my back, neck and head starting to subside. Little by little. And heck, any bit of relief will make tomorrow a bit easier, right?

Maybe tomorrow I'll take a ride downtown to walk around a bit, too. It would be good to get out and about for a few hours. Let's see where the day leads...

Happy Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. My friend Dorothy calls it "research into paralysis". It'll give you massive monkey mind if you are not careful.

    Gotta run, the queen is getting fitted!
    Pleaase drink lots and lots of h2o, lack of which assures a horrible headache. Do it. Right now. The goal is clear p__.

